
One of the first apps I install on any IOS device is Weekcal. It’s a calendar app which has  all the features you’d ever want and more, but it also has this unique week calendar layout which I absolutely adore. Here’s a screenshot:

No other calendar app offers this option. I like having a good overview of my week. It’s also a good visual ‘queue’ to create balance in my schedule. If I’ve trouble managing meetings in this view, I’ve scheduled too many meetings and I need to slow down.

People who are as old as me, might recognize this view from the Palm Vx PDAs back in the late 90s / early 2000s. I’m glad someone had the good insight to turn it into an app. Weekcal offers other views, but I’m always using this one. I could not live without it.

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robert [at] schouwenburg [dot] com

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