Nothing is set in stone

Top 15 global brands ranking from 2000 to 2018

The video below (via @freakonometrics) shows rankings of the top 15 global brands over the years. It is super interesting to watch the rise of the internet companies to the top and the fall of technology companies of the past like GE and Nokia.

It is a good reminder that everything in this world is temporary.



Asking my kids

YouTube or Netflix?

This weekend, I was chatting with my kids about online streaming video. They’re 6 and 9 years old. T…

Nokia Microsoft marriage is the end of Nokia’s handheld business

Nokia and Microsoft announced a partnership today. Together they will form a smartphone alliance. Th…

Future platforms

Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon (GAFA) are now the most valuable and successful companies in the …

Defensive moves

Apple’s media push

Apple’s media push is very interesting – not the products, but their execution. Why is Apple doing t…