Why Blockchain Matters

I came across this talk via Fred Wilson’s blog.

It’s an excellent introductory talk by Muneeb Ali into blockchain and why blockchain matters. He uses very concise arguments, stays away from technology and – more importantly – cryptocurrencies. Even though there’s nothing new (for me) in this talk, I found it very inspiring.

In all fairness, I do not subscribe to the doom & gloom scenario and I would not call the current time “dark ages”, but I guess the lack of nuance is a current sign of the times.

Blockchain and crypto can be a solution

Decentralization to centralization

This morning I was reading an article by Chris Dixon (VC at a16z) at Wired. I wholeheartedly agree w…

Sign of the times

Lack of nuance

In today’s world, there’s a serious lack of nuance. And I wonder where it came from? There’s no nuan…

10,000 connections for each of our 10 billion brain cells

Why AI is hard

Artificial intelligence was one of the first buzzwords I can remember from the previous century. It …

Nothing to do with nostalgia

Why we love vinyl

One of the fascinating effects of today’s technology world, is the way we mix sound. Most people are…