We love to be entertained

Smartphones: The Dark Side

The BBC made this great documentary called “Smartphones: The Dark Side”. Obviously the smartphone and its apps are made to draw you in and entice you to spend more time on them. The ecosystem financial rewards are driven by you using it. It’s pretty much the same reasoning we used to have about TV. The NY Times wrote about it exactly 38 years ago. I’m of the opinion that we should look more at ourselves than blame the tech companies for bringing “addictive” products on the market.

It’s interesting nonetheless.


Tech wars

When Titans Fight

Apple, Google and Amazon are the most valuable companies in the world and they’re fighting to each o…

Nokia Microsoft marriage is the end of Nokia’s handheld business

Nokia and Microsoft announced a partnership today. Together they will form a smartphone alliance. Th…

What is here today might not be there tomorrow

Checks and balances on new products

Yesterday, the Jibo robot shut down permanently. It was marketed as a social robot, I never owned on…

Future platforms

Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon (GAFA) are now the most valuable and successful companies in the …