It should never be a valid excuse

When IT is in the way at corporates

The most prevalent excuse I’ve heard in the last 5 years not to do a deal, project or product is because corporate IT isn’t able to support it (in a timely manner).

Still today, I hear this excuse often and this is where corporates start to loose. You’ve to be able to be agile and adapt quickly with your primary business processes. The moment you loose that ability you start loosing opportunities.

It baffles me that in this day and age IT at large corporates is still considered an expense and not a strategic asset. And yes, I’m talking about companies where primary business processes are solely reliant on software.

Regardless of the causes and reasons, IT is not the same as accounting, buildings or corporate support staff to name a few examples. Limiting budgets and limping along on legacy systems is not a strategy, it’s a death warrant.

/end rant

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