Making it easier to follow a lot of blogs

Djoomba: a simple RSS feed aggregator

A while ago, I built Djoomba. It’s a hobby project to solve my own problem. I was looking for a simple RSS feed aggregator to follow a bunch of blogs. I wanted something which just presented the articles on a roll like Techmeme and I couldn’t find anything I liked. I’ve been using it for 6 months now and I’m happy with it. It does what it needs to do. I no longer have to go down my bookmark list and see if something got posted. I used  Blogtrottr for a while which delivers the posts in your inbox. It’s great, but it cluttered my inbox after adding ten or so blogs. I wanted something I could ignore when I was busy and visit when I had a moment.

You can easily add or remove feeds to Djoomba. It tries to be reasonably smart in detecting feeds on its own. You just enter the URL and presents you with a list of feeds you can subscribe to. After subscribing it checks once per hour every feed for new articles. If you want, it’ll notify you via email if there is anything new and you haven’t visited in a while.

I currently have 21 blogs in my feed and I’m super happy with it. It’s interesting that I got more interested in following blogs than I did in the past. I frequently end up on blog posts via shared links but never got around to revisiting them regularly. Now I just add them to Djoomba and Djoomba does the following for me.

Feel free to play with it.

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