Social media justice

Dystopian futures

Social media justice

...great in surfacing and creating awareness around unethical behavior. [...]

Living in an AR world


...where physical and virtual realities have merged, and the city is saturated in [...]

Playing it safe

Apple is getting old

It was this tweet from Howard Lindzon which kind of inspired me to write this: This is something which pops in my mind whenever I see an Apple announcement;...

The infinite tail

...self-publishing is beyond many of the frivolous videos on YouTube. Services like have over 1 million creators who published millions of books. Using Amazon’s CreateSpace service creators can distribute...

Let me annoy you for a second

Every website in 2018

The video in the tweet below sums it up. It’s a mess again. The pop-ups, pop-overs and pop-unders are back! Now implemented in CSS.

3D printing in space

Today an article in appeared about tests a company Made In Space did with two 3D printers during a few zero-gravity flights. It is unclear from the article if...

Amazon’s platform for products Here is a list of the powerful Amazon APIs for e-commerce: Product Advertising API Fulfillment Web Service (Amazon FWS) Marketplace Web Service (Amazon MWS) It allows companies to fully...

How to write engaging stories

Pixar Story Rules (one version) [2012]

...___. Until finally ___. Simplify. Focus. Combine characters. Hop over detours. You’ll feel like you’re losing valuable stuff but it sets you free. What is your character good at, comfortable...

The Kamprad Test and Moravec’s Paradox

...very little computation, but low-level sensorimotor skills require enormous computational resources. It can even explain the difficulties Elon Musk and Tesla face to fully automate their production line.  ...