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Download a human

...system. I think even Mars is quite a stretch. Instead, I think it makes much more sense to download our human brain into a computer and send that computer instead....

3D on the web — WebGL to the rescue be a success. The biggest challenge is to keep WebGL secure. It exposes direct hardware calls to javascript, and it depends on the filtering techniques of the browser javascript...

3D design your furniture in thin air

...It is called Sketch Your Own Furniture by FRONT — a Swedish design studio made up of four designers Sofia Lagerkvist, Charlotte von der Lancken, Anna Lindgren, and Katya Savstrom....

Personal pet peeve

Ghosting is rude Tuesday looked like. I responded and then… silence. I followed up, but no response. Now I wonder? Did the person die? Are they in a hospital? I know they’re...
...just like our roads, water and – in some areas – electricity. It makes no sense for single private company to own public infrastructure and yet that’s the prevalent model...

Why would you want a 3D printer at home?

...printers and the low quality of the prints. They are hobbyist printers. Of course we need to start somewhere. These printers are definitely not ready for mass adoption yet. The...

HD Earth Viewing System (HDEV) at Home

...test the longevity of off-the-shelf commercial video cameras in space. The views are absolutely breathtaking. When I came across it back, I was absolutely mesmerized and wanted to have...

The internet is not nearly done

Let’s do everything else useful for new introducing new products and reach new customers unaware of your product. Here’s the video – if you’ve 24 minutes to spare, I recommend watching it.
Holland != Netherlands and that’s fine

It’s complicated

Holland != Netherlands and that’s fine

...the conversation. My friend said that’s ok, “we’re speaking [...]

Volumetric displays can get people into 3D design

3D design is still very niche. Most computer users never do any 3D design. I can think of many reasons for that, but foremost there is no particular use case...