The birth of video games

Retro gaming: Pong

This is the very first video game, I’ve ever played. I was around 6 or 7 years old when my dad brought it home. I think he bought it from...
Retro gaming: DOOM (1993)

Gaming was never the same

Retro gaming: DOOM (1993)

This is my favorite post to write every week. Initially, I wanted to post this series on [...]
Inbox zero vs inbox infinity

Email bankruptcy is no excuse

Inbox zero vs inbox infinity

An article from the Atlantic was making the rounds this week. It makes a case for [...]
Alternative to Facebook

You could just use a mailinglist

Alternative to Facebook

I’ve written about this topic before, but we lost something powerful when social [...]
VC as central bank in crypto networks?

Funding the crypto economy

VC as central bank in crypto networks?

This morning, I woke up with a post from Joel Monegro of Placeholder VC on funding [...]
Site update 1.1

Less flat, slightly elevated

Site update 1.1

One of the fun things you can do when you run your own blog is that you update your [...]
Crypto economies

Currency is just one of the attributes

Crypto economies

Over the weekend, I was reading the cryptoeconomic circle post by Joel Monegro in which [...]

Displays are the next big shift in tech

Looking Glass 3D display

After a successful Kickstarter campaign in July, Looking Glass has started shipping their 3D display and people have been posting little videos of the things they’re trying. It’s super creative...

A classic before millenials were even born

Retro gaming: Galaga

I love this game – both in the arcade as on the Commodore 128. On the Commodore, it was called Galaxy. I guess it was a clone of this Namco/Midway...

Asking my kids

YouTube or Netflix?

This weekend, I was chatting with my kids about online streaming video. They’re 6 and 9 years old. They barely watch regular broadcast TV if ever. To them, video means...