Holland != Netherlands and that’s fine

It’s complicated

Holland != Netherlands and that’s fine

The Netherlands is a tiny country with only 17 million people. Most people in the US would not even be able to [...]
Alternative to Facebook

You could just use a mailinglist

Alternative to Facebook

I’ve written about this topic before, but we lost something powerful when social networks turned into social [...]

Did I miss much?

A year without social media

Last year, I decided to quit social networks for a year. I stopped using Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. I didn’t delete my accounts, just the apps and disabled all email notifications. About once a week, I checked Facebook and Instagram to see what was up from a web browser. I never engaged, never followed anyone […]

New year, new opportunities

Happy New Year!

One of the things I miss most as a Dutch transplant in New York are the fireworks on New Year’s Eve. We love our fireworks. Of course there’s always someone with a drone capturing some footage and then posts it on YouTube.

One of my favorite holidays

Merry Christmas

As a non-religious person, Christmas is still one of my favorite holidays. It’s one of the most relaxing holidays. Most of (my) world is celebrating and not working between Christmas and New Years. It’s one of those only times you can truly switch off for a week and not worry too much about business. It’s […]

Distractions distractions distractions

Google messaging, youth soccer and focus

Last week, Google announced it was retiring Allo. Allo was one of their messaging apps. Google has more messaging solutions than anyone on the planet and they don’t seem to get it right which is interesting given the platform leverage they have with Android. How hard can it be to build something like iMessage? Especially […]

Until something better comes along

Replacing Path with a finsta

A couple of months ago, Path – the social network – was shut down. I guess it was inevitable, but it left me without a social network to share. Facebook isn’t a social network anymore and beyond them, there isn’t much else. Except maybe Instagram. A month ago, I setup a private finsta account. I […]


That time we broke the internet back in 1994

When I was college a long time ago, we once broke the internet and made headlines worldwide for a day. I was a member of the computer club of the Technical University of Eindhoven, The Netherlands called Stack. It still exists in some form today. At the club, we ran a multitude of servers. These servers […]

Growing a Christmas tree takes 5 years or more

Artificial Christmas tree & tradition

Yesterday, we did the yearly “pilgrimage” to Wyckoffs Christmas Trees farm with a group of friends. It’s a tradition. You get to select your own tree, cut it down yourself and bring it over to the packing station. It’s super busy and there’s even a crowd tailgating – I know, it was only 32F out. […]

Making it easier to follow a lot of blogs

Djoomba: a simple RSS feed aggregator

A while ago, I built Djoomba. It’s a hobby project to solve my own problem. I was looking for a simple RSS feed aggregator to follow a bunch of blogs. I wanted something which just presented the articles on a roll like Techmeme and I couldn’t find anything I liked. I’ve been using it for […]